Saturday, 14 November 2015

Should I begin to question my gender?

I have no choice but to question what it actually means to be a woman, how do we define the term woman? 

Based on society today am I really a woman? Or am I just a woman because I can dress in fancy clothes, put weave on my head, paint my nails, wear a push up bra, wear 6 inch heels, pay to get my boobs bigger, wax the whole hair off of my body.... 

I can't make myself have periods though or pay to experience the pain of carrying a child for 9 months then deal with having to get my body back in shape 9 months afer. Added to that is the morning sickness, hormonal imbalances, mood swings, sore boobs and hot flushes.

 Feel free to add more to the list......

The media and society have left me with no choice but to feel really confused..

It is becoming increasingly tiresome seeing Bruce Jenner celebrated and honoured for being 'a woman'  Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong in honouring a true woman for what they do if it is for worthy causes. For example female veterans who loose limbs for worthy causes? What about them?

 I do not feel that dressing up for 6months-1year as a woman warrants in any recognition at all. Glamour magazine recently gave Bruce Genner the Transgender Champion award at American GLAMOUR's Women of the Year awards.

I think it is an absolute insult, there are so many real women out there who have dedicated their lives to society and have done amazing things yet there is no coverage on their story Why?

Somebody please tell me why the media deems it is so necessary to celebrate and honour Bruce Jenner in the way it continously does? He does not know for one second what it truly feels to be like me a WOMAN.

Correct me if I am wrong but from what I can see, the media claps its hands at the fact that if you wake up one day and say you always knew you were a woman and have felt like this your whole life then its ok for the public to suddenly just adjust to what they've always known you as which has been a MAN for 66 years of your life, you've had 3 wives, been an Olympic gold medalist and had numerous kids.

I guess its ok becuse he's a celebrity to just phone up Diane Saywer to interview him, cry a little, give a sob story on TV and expect the whole nation to jump on the bandwagon and label him as a hero?

I certainly do not agree one bit, he's not my hero and will never be.

I've been a woman for the whole of my life, been through many things and haven't one day been awarded for being a woman. If he is being awarded for being a woman what makes me so different from him?

Let me tell you there is actually a difference....

Being a woman is much more than a wig, makeup, false boobs, heels and false nails. To me being a woman enbodies so much more, it is much more complex than the outward apperance. There is this strength that comes from within that we uphold ourselves with, a woman is very powerful both mentally and on a spiritual level. We are built to be able to withstand multiple things at once and still smile at the same time. There is a way that a woman puts a home together. Being a woman means being strong, because you’ll find that your womanhood will need that strength, and when you let it, sometimes that strength will even find you.

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