Hello everyone :)
It's been about two weeks since we last caught up. Not much has been happening except exam season and study study study! How are you all? And what have you all been up to?
My Uni is different in the sense that we don't get a long vacation like the rest of you will be getting who are currently at Uni. For those wondering which University I'm at its called The University of Buckingham and it's a 2 year degree (accelerated). I'm studying Media with Communications and Journalism.
I haven't shown you my outfits for the past two weeks so I'd like to share it with you all now...
Last week sunday this was what I wore :
Purchased from Asos A little secret :) This outfit has been worn a couple of times. However what I do is I make sure I don't wear it frequently and give gaps so then it will look like a new outfit! Ha I probably won't be able to do that now :( I purchased it last year so can't remember how much and whereabouts it can be found on the Asos website, I'm also unsure as to whether if this outfit can still be found. Shoes- Black heels from Italy (Napoli)
Outfit Worn on Sunday to church. I have been eyeing this dress for a long while now and I have really wanted it for a while. This dress is from missguided However they only have the Navy colour left =[ Check it out! I randomly decided to tweet this outfit choice to Rocsi Diaz who used to present 106&Park on BET and she replied and said Yaaay to my outfit. I was really happy!
I've recently really been in love with these kind of outfits too. They are comfortable, easy to wear and they really bring out your figure. I purchased two from Boohoo.com 2 weeks ago! They were doing a deal which I think has stopped. I got two of these for £10! Bargain or what? :)
The love to the right signifies the love I have for all of you reading this post...
My next post is on its way to you sooner than you think.
Stay tuned :) x x x
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