Thursday, 12 March 2015


"You always seem so happy"- It's almost become a resounding bell in your ear right?

In your head you are thinking: "If only you knew those silent battles".......

I get that statement sometimes too! 

The undeniable truth is that we all cry. Lol some more than others. 

There are quite a number of things that could easily set my emotions off... 

Seeing little kids suffering
My Mum being unhappy
Being anxious or worrying about a particular thing
I watch a film or movie and imagine myself in the perilous situation and start crying... My brother usually looks at me and shakes his head thinking "Why are you crying at this?"

I think to myself how are you so strong not to shed a tear?

BUT! - Different things set people off... I am very easily pushed to cry! High voltage of emotions I would classify myself as. 

Confession- I cry a substantial amount .... A bit more than you think or would imagine. 

Some of us are so used to it that its almost become like a pain alleviation method or some sort of pain remedy. "I might aswell shed a few tears to get it all out and sleep it off. Hopefully by the time I wake up the next morning I will feel better". 

Sometimes you wake up feeling better, other times you feel heavy and the whole memory continues on into your day! 

Our pillows don't know what will hit them tonight.... Loud wails for an hour or a quick droplet of a tear. Who knows? 

"It all depends on my neighbour if they are in I'll sob into my pillow so no-one hears". Or if I'm lucky and no-one is in only God knows when I will stop crying..... 

"All I know is that my pillow is gonna get it"! 

It's almost as though your pillow has become your confidante in the midnight hour, the only one who won't judge us as our lips fold all the way down almost hitting our chin. 

If you are unlucky and you are wearing mascara.... Oh no God help the burning sensation you get around your eyes. It is  almost as if it's a punishment or a warning telling you to stop crying. 

The mascara you are wearing will definitely get washed off as bucket loads trickle down from your eyes onto your cheeks.... 

There's no perfect way to cry and you can't practice being "A good crier". I've heard some people say amongst themselves "I look so ugly when I cry" 

Well obviously.... There is no way you can look attractive when you are in that state... 

Personally I can't even bare to look in the mirror afterwards because I don't recognise the image staring right back at me. My pupils have turned red and my eyes have gone smaller, I struggle to get a word out as my throat feels sore and my voice has been exhausted by the continuous sobs. 

The strongest ones physically are the weakest at heart #FACT

Just because a smile is on a person's face doesn't mean their life is perfect. We have this perception that if a person always looks happy and appears confident it means all is well in their lives and they have it easy.

Don't ever feel like crying means you are weak... Whatever the emotion is whether sad or Joyous our bodies cannot contain it and so it incites a flow of tears...

Truth is we are all human and we all cry... You may not have cried recently or don't even like crying... 

Truth is I cried like two days ago! 

P.S If you don't know me or haven't met me before at least this is something that we can both relate to. 

P.s I'm only human and very soft at heart xxx 


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